Microsoft news recap: Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 warranty extended, Microsoft targets “largest botnet in the world”, and more

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Microsoft news recap is a weekly feature highlighting the top Microsoft news stories of the past week. Sit back, grab some coffee, and enjoy the read!

Microsoft extends Xbox Elite Controller Series 2 warranty to one year due to reliability issues

Due to issues with reliability, with Microsoft themselves admitting they’ve seen a small percentage of users experience technical problems with it, Microsoft has extended the warranty from 90 days to 1 year, giving that extra peace of mind.

Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller

Microsoft’s revenue sharing deal with GameStop could help drive Xbox Series consoles this generation

This week it was reported that Microsoft has a revenue sharing deal with GameStop, which could allow GameStop to receive a cut of all digital sales made on any Xbox Series consoles they sell, providing an extra incentive for the retailer to push Xbox consoles. It’s seen that this could help drive more sales of the console in this upcoming generation.

Microsoft Teams Meetings Notes now support up to 100 participants

A number of improvements have been made to the Meetings Notes feature in Microsoft Teams. it now supports up to 100 participants. In addition, anyone who arrives after the scheduled meeting time can now request access to the meeting notes, so that they don’t miss out.

Microsoft Teams Meeting Notes

Microsoft goes after “largest botnet in the world,” citing trademark law

Microsoft has been granted permission to disrupt one of the world’s largest botnets, making use of copyright claims as a result of malware using Microsoft’s own code. It has also been granted the right to cease internet addresses from 8 hosting providers. The botnet aimed to disrupt the US election by locking up voter registration systems.

Electronic Voting Booth Cropped
The new “voting booths” where you fill out your scantron sheet. Not very private, and not nearly as cool as the old lever machines.

That’s it for this week. We’ll be back next week with more Microsoft news.

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