Avowed will have a third-person perspective, allowing gamers to have a more immersive experience

The game will be released later this year.

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avowed xbox

In the video game realm, where tastes can be very different from person to person, you do not often find a game that aims to please such a wide variety of players. Yet, Obsidian Entertainment is committed to this path with their forthcoming RPG, which is avowed.

Scheduled for release later in 2024, Avowed represents an interesting development by providing gamers with a novel and encompassing choice: they can choose between first-person and third-person viewpoints while playing the game.

Avowed’s director, Carrie Patel, has verified this information. She shared this detail during an Xbox podcast. This decision creates talk and enthusiasm, particularly for people who may feel uncomfortable with the first-person view or the wider viewpoint provided by the third-person.

Now, let’s discuss the changes in player experience. First of all, it’s about making a choice. Whether you have difficulty with motion sickness when using first-person views or prefer to observe your character’s armor and gear from a third-person angle, Avowed provides options for everyone.

This flexibility is different from Obsidian’s previous game, The Outer Worlds. It only had a single-person viewpoint that remained constant. From this, it’s evident that Obsidian is paying attention to the desires of its community and making changes accordingly in Avowed.

And there is more; the game also introduces many new elements to improve gameplay. It has things like changing daytime, which makes it feel more real, and a group camp where characters can talk with each other—these details show that the game offers an involved experience.

In addition, players will be empowered to create their character’s abilities and attributes in any way they like due to the classless progression system. This means you can pick and mix different skills from various paths, creating a unique character without being restricted by traditional classes.

If there is a time when someone feels remorse for their decisions regarding how they shaped or improved their character, no worry – because there exists an option called respec. This allows you to change your character’s skills and attributes without starting all over again from the beginning.

The excitement around Avowed is strong, and you can see why. The Obsidian team’s dedication to making a game that looks great and is full of love with details shows well. As we look forward to more information about its release date, one fact remains certain: Avowed has all the signs of being a game that not only accepts player choice but promotes it.

So, are you ready for the third-person gameplay in Avowed? As you can see in the trailer above, displayed at this year’s Xbox Games Showcase, Avowed appears to offer various elements to attract different types of players.

Maybe you prefer strategic combat, a focus on immersive storytelling, or just exploring breathtaking worlds—whatever your preference, Avowed seems to have something for everyone.

And with its release not too far away now, the countdown begins to step into those shoes (or maybe viewing from slightly above) of your next great adventure awaits!

More about the topics: gaming, xbox