DOOM: The Dark Ages is rumored to be revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9

The game probably won't be an Xbox exclusive

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Rumors say that DOOM: The Dark Ages will be revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase

The featured image is generated using DALL-E and it’s not an actual depiction of the game

Whispers and rumors often lead to the grand unveiling of the next big title. This time, it’s about DOOM: The Dark Ages, a game that’s been shrouded in mystery and anticipation. Slated for a grand reveal at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9, this title is stirring up quite the excitement.

Imagine, after four years since the release of DOOM Eternal, fans are on the edge of their seats, eager to dive into what promises to be a medieval-inspired doom world. And of course, we also needed a new pun for will it run DOOM: The Dark Ages.

The buzz around DOOM: The Dark Ages started with Insider Gaming, hinting at a journey back in time, possibly exploring the early life of the Doomslayer. Think about it: a younger Doomslayer, not yet the legendary figure we know, battling demons in a medieval setting. The thought alone adds a fresh layer to the rich tapestry of the DOOM universe. And with the game being developed for at least four years, one can only imagine the depth and detail woven into this new chapter.

DOOM: The Dark Ages will not be an Xbox exclusive

Now, let’s talk platforms. The game is expected to land not just on Xbox, but also on PlayStation and Windows PC. This multiplatform approach is a nod to the series’ history of being accessible to a wide audience. It’s interesting to see how Microsoft, after acquiring Zenimax, continues to honor the legacy of making DOOM a universal experience, despite the potential to make it an exclusive title.

For the fandom, DOOM: The Dark Ages is a bridge to the past, an exploration of the origins of a character that has become a legend in the gaming world. As we eagerly await the reveal, one thing is clear: the DOOM saga continues to evolve, promising us more heart-pounding action, deeper lore, and, of course, the satisfaction of ripping and tearing through the forces of darkness.

By the way, anyone remembers Heretic? Are we expecting wands and magic or just blunt swords and hammers? We’ll just wait and see.

In the meantime, we can talk about all this in the comments section below and see who will be right.

More about the topics: gaming, xbox