Meet Ecosia: the world's greenest Internet browser, now available on Windows devices

Ecosia is now available to download on Windows devices.

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ecosia browser

Ecosia, the company behind the ecological search engine that plants trees every time users surf the Internet on it, is now releasing the Ecosia browser, the world’s greenest Internet browser.

According to the official blog post, Ecosia can be downloaded on all platforms and devices, including Windows.

We set out to make the greenest browser on Earth, and here it is! Simply by browsing, shopping and searching, you can generate clean energy, plant trees in biodiversity hotspots around the world, and grow your impact with Ecosia. The addition of our desktop browser to our app lineup means you can be climate active wherever you are, on all your devices.


People are encouraged to use the browser, and through their actions, be climate aware and climate active. The company says Ecosia will produce approximately 25Wh of renewable energy every day users browse the Internet on it.

But the browser comes with plenty of green features such as green lead, an AI chat, and a climate pledge rating that allow users to actively contribute to green-based communities, and green-based plans of action.

Ecosia browser also has an in-built ad-blocker. Loading ads takes up a lot of energy, according to the company, so Ecosia should be a win-win situation for all. Plus, the browser is reportedly three times faster than the other browsers on the market.

We’ve optimized for speed, loading pages up to three times faster than most mainstream browsers thanks to our inbuilt ad-blocker. Fewer ads also means you’re consuming less data and energy, so that’s a win for us all. We also protect your privacy by blocking trackers.


Additionally, users will be able to customize their browser with green-themed wallpapers, and the company says using Ecosia means moving away from big companies, which already harm nature.

By choosing the Ecosia Browser, you’re not only choosing the planet, you’re also choosing to support a fairer, more sustainable internet. Plus, we put people and planet first, which you can see for yourself in our monthly financial reports.


The company speaks some truth: Microsoft, at least, is aware that its existing AI data center is putting a lot of pressure on climate already, but the Redmond-based tech giant is taking measures to remedy the situation.

Its upcoming data centers are fully sustainable and able to support zero-carbon, water-negative, and zero-waste environments. The company also pledged to use AI technology to tackle the worrying climate issues.

Maybe it should come with eco-based Edge? What do you think?

You can download Ecosia by accessing this link.

More about the topics: browser, internet