Microsoft Teams uses AI magic to tidy up your webcam background

The Decorate your background feature helps clean up the mess

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Decorate your background

Don’t want the messy room setup to embarrass you in the next Teams meeting; don’t worry, Microsoft has got your back!

Microsoft has made Decorate your background available in Microsoft Teams Premium following its introduction at Ignite 2023.

With a hybrid work culture, maintaining a work-life balance amid back-to-back virtual meetings has been challenging. Virtual backgrounds have been a blessing for all those who are not comfortable displaying a personal work environment or have a less-than-ideal setting.

With Decorate your background, Microsoft takes it up a notch, leveraging the latest advancements in generative AI to create a more professional version of your actual webcam background.

To use this feature, you can go to the Video effects option and then navigate to Backgrounds. Here, click the Decorate button to get five different options, like Clean up (Tidy up surroundings), Fancy (gives your background an elegant appearance), Greenhouse (Adds plants & greenery to your space), Celebration (Adds festive decorations for special moments) and Suprise me.

Once you select a theme, click Generate backgrounds, and it will give two images per theme, select any or click Generate backgrounds to get more options.

Microsoft is revolutionizing the way we use its products and is adding AI to help enhance user experience. Following the introduction of Copilot to Teams in November 2023, the company has now released the Decorate your background feature, and soon, it will make the Voice Isolation feature available. The Redmond tech giant is certainly on a roll!

While this feature is exciting, it is only exclusively available for Teams Premium members. Do you think this feature could help you? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

More about the topics: Microsoft Teams, Teams