Microsoft wants every Windows user to customize their MSN features

The lock screen surely carries more important info now, but is it necessary?

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Windows 11 lock screen

Microsoft has always been a leading name in the ever-changing world of technology, particularly with its Windows operating system. We recently discovered that Microsoft wants Windows 11 users to customize their MSN on the lock screen.

Now, according to Windows Latest, they’ve chosen to add flavor to the lock screen of Windows 11 by giving all users MSN lock screen features.

Picture yourself switching on your computer and seeing an image and a lively exhibition of widgets that give weather changes, news updates, and much more at your disposal. Microsoft’s move is intended to make the lock screen more interactive and informative.

It represents a small but important development towards a computing experience that is more customized for each user.

But it’s important to understand that not everyone loves having a group of pre-arranged widgets you can’t adjust. The great part? Microsoft hears what people are saying. You will soon have the power to modify these widgets as you desire.

Do you wish to remove everything except the weather update on your Windows 11 lock screen? You can do it. Like to keep an eye on your calendar? We understand. It’s about choosing what appears first when your computer wakes up from sleep mode.

However, there is a small problem for those who like minimalistic design. Switching off these lock screen widgets is not as simple as we want.

You must go deep into the Group Policy Editor, which may not suit everyone’s taste—particularly if they use Windows 11 and 10 Home versions. A settings option with a simpler toggle would make it better, don’t you agree?

Microsoft is also improving the Start menu by changing how account management works. With the new update, you can quickly see your account details from the Start menu, such as OneDrive storage information and Microsoft account email.

This update ensures that important information is available without going into many menus.

Yet, there is more. The update also includes changes, such as shifting the switch user and sign-out choices to a context menu inside the account manager—possibly to create space for these fresh characteristics. Surprisingly, the lock screen option has been relocated to the Power menu.

Though the changes are meant to improve user experience, Microsoft is clearly still working on Windows 11 and trying to find a good balance between function and user preferences.

It is uncertain whether these alterations will be welcomed warmly or met with pushback. But we know for sure that there’s always something happening in the world of Windows.

More about the topics: Windows 11, Windows Update