If you don't know where to start with Copilot, Microsoft Viva will soon have a curated list of suggestions for you

These tools could help you learn how to use it.

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copilot curated by microsoft

Soon, it will be impossible for you to come up with any excuses as to why you’re not using AI at work because Microsoft is set to introduce a new capability (or rather, a new section), called Curated by Microsoft in Microsoft Viva.

According to the latest entry to the Microsoft 365 Roadmap, the Redmond-based tech giant will introduce to users a new section as a way for them to find various resources and tools related to Copilot.

The new Curated by Microsoft will be released to Microsoft Viva this month, and it is very similar to another tool the company announced a while ago, the Copilot Dashboard.

However, that one is a special platform used by companies to gain useful insights into how employees feel about working with the AI tool.

Similar to the Curated by Microsoft, the Copilot Dashboard was made available in Viva Pulse and Viva Glint, where admins can deploy surveys to employees under the Recurring survey program within these platforms.

But Microsoft hints that its Curated by section could be more than that. The description, which you can read below, says it will feature resources related to Copilot, which could mean tools, apps, and plugins that would make one use the AI model more often.

You can now find resources related to Copilot under the Curated by Microsoft provider. This provider will also power content for Copilot Academy.


Which makes sense. Copilot has not been yet generally adopted by the business industry, and according to our latest survey on the AI model, only 16% of our respondents are using Microsoft’s Copilot as a fully-fledged assistant or an automation tool.

At the same time, the Redmond-based tech giant is placing all the bets on Copilot, so it must be adopted. Everything from Windows, to Microsoft Azure, and Microsoft Teams, down to OneDrive, or Excel has a version of Copilot as an AI assistant, and the company is already investing quite the resources into making it the next big thing.

However, a lot of users are growing tired of AI capabilities, especially on Windows, so Copilot might turn out to not be the next big thing, after all.

More about the topics: AI, Copilot