Microsoft and Hitachi's new partnership will see the training of 50,000 GenAI Professionals on advanced AI skills

Various Microsoft products and services will also be available to 270,000 Lumada employees.

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microsoft hitachi

Hitachi and Microsoft have just inked a three-year, multibillion-dollar partnership that seeks to grow the Lumada business by 18.9 billion USD by the end of the fiscal year 2024. According to the official press release, the partnership is a strategic alliance aimed at pushing the boundaries of business and social innovation through the power of generative AI.

Imagine, if you will, a future where the efficiency of 270,000 employees has skyrocketed, thanks to the integration of Microsoft’s cloud, Azure Open AI Service, Dynamics 365, Copilot for Microsoft 365, and GitHub Copilot into Hitachi’s Lumada Solutions. Sounds like a game-changer, doesn’t it?

There’s more. Hitachi isn’t stopping at integrating some of the most advanced technologies. They’re going all-in on education, too, training over 50,000 ‘GenAI Professionals to master these advanced AI skills.

This move is part of a broader vision to not only enhance their own productivity but to also drive significant growth within the Lumada business, aiming for a revenue target that’s nothing short of ambitious.

You might wonder, “What’s in it for society?” Well, this partnership is set to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing businesses today, including enhancing cloud services, beefing up security, and even reducing the environmental footprint of data centers, something Microsoft has already made several pledges on, most recent being the Datacenter Community Pledge.

We are entering a new era of AI with the promise to deliver transformative business outcomes across every role and industry. Our expanded partnership with Hitachi will bring together the power of the Microsoft Cloud — including Microsoft Copilot — with Hitachi’s industry expertise to improve the productivity of 270,000 Hitachi employees and help address customers’ biggest challenges, including sustainability.

Satya Nadella, Microsoft

With the growing concern over the environmental impact of digital expansion, this focus on sustainability is a breath of fresh air.

Hitachi’s commitment to innovation doesn’t stop there. They’re leveraging generative AI for predictive maintenance in Hitachi Rail, enhancing equipment monitoring and improving forecast accuracy.

This proactive approach prevents breakdowns before they happen, ensures smoother operations, and, ultimately, safer travel for everyone.

Hitachi is stepping up its digital solutions game by enhancing its Lumada solutions with generative AI capabilities.

This includes everything from speeding up IT department response times to supporting the energy transition with digital solutions that optimize asset performance management, energy trading, and risk management.

As for the partnership’s focus on talent development, Hitachi’s ambitious plan to train more than 50,000 GenAI Professionals is a clear signal that they’re not just adapting to the future but actively shaping it.

By incorporating training on advanced software development skills using GitHub Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service, Hitachi is laying the groundwork for a new generation of AI-savvy professionals.

This partnership between Hitachi and Microsoft could be more than just a business deal; it could be a bold step towards a future where technology and human ingenuity come together to solve some of the most challenging problems facing businesses and society today.

More about the topics: AI, microsoft