Nvidia Account is Locked: How to Recover it

Recover your account in no time with our verified solutons!

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Key notes

  • Many users found their Nvidia account locked and couldn't access the plethora of information and resources available on forums.
  • For many users, clearing the browsing data fixed things in no time.
  • You could contact Nvidia support for a detailed report and information on corrective actions.
fix nvidia account locked

The Nvidia community is quite large, with all kinds of interest points regarding the leader in computing technology. Whether you’re a developer or a user keen on purchasing some hardware, this is the place to be. But many users reported that their Nvidia account is locked.

Signing in with your account isn’t usually something one should worry about. However, some users from the Nvidia community couldn’t sign in with their email and password. Of course, there’s a hefty number of sign-in options, which seemingly work.

You can use Facebook, Google Account, WeChat, or QQ to log in. This, of course, doesn’t mean you should. Using a specific account has its traits, which is why this exists in the first place. Keep reading to find out the ways to recover your Nvidia account!

What can I do if the Nvidia account is locked?

1. Clear the browser cache

Note icon NOTE
The steps listed here are for Google Chrome, the most used browser. In case you are using another one, the steps should be similar. For the exact process, search the web or check the official website.
  1. Launch Chrome, and hit Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
  2. Go to the Advanced tab, select the Passwords and other sign-in data option, and click on Clear data.clear password to fix nvidia account locked
  3. Once done, restart the browser.

We recommend clearing the browser cache and removing the saved password for the Nvidia account when it’s locked.

2. Reset the password

  1. Go to Nvidia’s login page, and click on Login help.login help
  2. Click on Reset password.reset password
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Another reason you cannot access the Nvidia account, which appears locked, is that you are entering the incorrect password. In this case, you should reset the password.

3. Contact Nvidia support

If things still remain unresolved and the Nvidia account is locked, the last option is to contact Nvidia Support. They will revert with information on what triggered the blocking and share any other information that might be useful in the recovery process.

Before you leave, do check the best NVIDIA driver to install for superior performance.

With that said, we can conclude this article. If you have any questions or alternative solutions, feel free to tell us in the comments section below.

More about the topics: nvidia, windows 10 fix