Outlook will update the schedule assistant to make it easier for users to access it

The updates should motivate users to migrate to the new Outlook.

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new outlook scheduling assistant

After announcing that it would make the meeting time suggestions optional in Outlook, Microsoft has updated the 365 Roadmap with an entry describing major changes coming to the platform’s schedule assistant.

According to the entry, Outlook’s schedule assistant will be enhanced to provide better readability to users, by changing the grid lines, and availability view and adding new elements, such as a combined availability bar to the assistant’s design.

However, these changes will only be released on the new Outlook for Windows and Web. The Redmond-based tech giant hasn’t mentioned anything about bringing these updates to classic Outlook.

Here’s what the entry says:

We are updating the scheduling assistant view to help users have better readability. Some of these changes are in alignment to customer the feedback. These changes will also improve the grid lines, availability view, adding combined availability bar and much more. These updates will be available in the new Outlook for Windows and web. #newoutlookforwindows


What does this mean for you? Well, you’ll most probably be able to access the schedule assistant more easily from now on. Using it is not complicated, but it’s not done in a straight line either, and several steps have to be followed, as you can see in our guide here.

So, with Microsoft bringing these updates to the schedule assistant, the Redmond-based tech giant is effectively making it easier to use for all.

You’ll be able to schedule important meetings, conferences, webinars, and other corporate events much more intuitively from now on, without wasting time.

The roadmap says these new updates will be implemented in July, and their rollout is expected to take the whole month. As we mentioned earlier, this is only for the new Outlook for Windows and Web users, and I have a feeling this might be Microsoft’s way to encourage users to migrate to the new version of the platform.

More about the topics: Microsoft 365, Outlook