Fix: Crunchyroll Error Code SHAK-6007-Generic

This is a browser issue, and it can be caused by your settings

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Key notes

  • Check Crunchyroll server status if you get error code SHAK-6007-GENERIC in your browser.
  • Certain extensions will cause this problem, so disable them temporarily to fix the issue.
crunchyroll error code shak-6007-generic

Crunchyroll error code SHAK-6007-GENERIC will prevent you from watching your favorite anime in the browser. The issue sometimes appears in the middle of the episode and it will cause the episode to crash.

This can be a big problem, so in todayโ€™s guide, weโ€™re going to take a look at the best solutions that you can use to fix this problem on your PC.

What does Crunchyroll Error Code SHAK-6007-Generic mean?

  • This is a Crunchyroll playback error and it appears in web browsers.
  • Your browser might be having issues with the service thus causing the error to occur.
  • An outdated browser or corrupted cache can cause the issue as well.
  • Certain extensions, such as ad blockers will prevent the website from running.

How do I fix Error Code SHAK-6007-Generic on Crunchyroll?

Before we start fixing the problem, there are a few checks that you can perform:

  • Try using the mobile app or another browser  โ€“ Your browser may be having issues, so you can circumvent this error with a mobile app or a different web client.
  • Use a different network โ€“ Few users reported that connecting to Wi-Fi helped them, so try that, or use a wireless hotspot.
  • Try to skip parts of the video โ€“ Sometimes the issue will occur only on specific segments, so try to skip them if you can to avoid the issue.

1. Update your browser

  1. Open Chrome and click on the Menu icon in the top right corner.
  2. Expand the Help section and choose About Google Chrome.
  3. The browser will now check for updates and download them automatically.
  4. Once the browser is updated, check if the issue is resolved.

2. Disable extensions

  1. In Chrome, click the Menu icon.
  2. Choose Extensions and then Manage Extensions.
  3. Disable any adblock, or script block extensions that you may have installed.
  4. Check if the problem is resolved.

3. Clear the browser cache

  1. Click the Menu icon and choose More tools. Select Clear browsing data.
  2. Select the type of data that you want to clear and click on Clear data.
  3. Wait for the process to finish, restart the browser, and check if the issue is resolved.

Crunchyroll error code SHAK-6007-GENERIC can occur usually due to your extensions, but that’s not the only issue, and we have covered Crunchyroll bad gateway errors in the past.

Thereโ€™s also an internal server error on Crunchyroll and Crunchyroll access denied message, however, we have addressed those in separate guides.

Have you ever encountered this issue and how did you fix it? Donโ€™t hesitate to let us know!

More about the topics: Video streaming, Windows 11 Fix