Claude 2: Why it could outperform ChatGPT and Bing AI

Claude 2 AI is here and it's good.

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Key notes

  • Claude 2 AI is the next version of Claude AI, which was released earlier this year.
  • It scored high points in solving math and coding tasks. 
  • Claude 2 could easily outperform the other AI models.
claude 2 performance

Good news for AI lovers everywhere, there is a new and improved AI on the market. Claude 2 AI is the next version of Claude AI, an AI model which was released earlier this year, in March.

Anthropic, the company behind Claude AI, promises that this new version is better than its predecessor, much more creative than ever, and safe.

We are pleased to announce Claude 2, our new model. Claude 2 has improved performance, longer responses, and can be accessed via API as well as a new public-facing beta website, Think of Claude as a friendly, enthusiastic colleague or personal assistant who can be instructed in natural language to help you with many tasks.


The new Claude aims to help with tasks on topics such as coding, math, and reasoning. Anthropic also claims that Claude 2 scored a 76.5% on the multiple-choice section of the Bar exam. On coding, Claude 2 managed to get a 71.2% up from 56.0% on the Codex HumanEval, a Python coding test.

And the model is quite proficient at math too: on GSM8k, a large set of grade-school math problems, Claude 2 scored 88.0% score, which is quite impressive. Anthropic also aimed to make Claude 2 AI safer, and by it, they wanted the model to give harmless responses. According to them, Claude 2 is 2x better at giving harmless responses, when compared to the previous version.

So, where does Claude 2 stand in the pantheon of AI models?

Claude 2 performance – better than ChatGPT or Bing AI?

Naturally, there has to be a comparison between Claude 2 AI, ChatGPT, and Bing AI. For example, ChatGPT is capable of many things, and developers at OpenAI want it to reach AGI (artificial general intelligence) in the next 4 years.claude 2 performance

Bing AI, while based on GPT technology is also capable of many things. For example, it can process visual input from users, but it can also generate visual input. It can be used as an assistant in software such as Copilot. And it seems that the tool can get very creative when pushed, despite users agreeing that Bing has somewhat become too restrictive.

Where does Claude 2 stands here? Claude 2 is pretty much capable of everything ChatGPT and BingAI are capable of. The Guardian reports that Claude 2 is capable of summarising entire novels, so its context length seems superior. Anthropic agrees, it’s 100K tokens in each prompt.

Claude is renowned for its spectacular creative writing abilities, so if you are not pleased with the poems and little short stories Bing is writing, try Claude 2.

Claude 2 will give insights on any text file that you upload, from summarising novels, as we said earlier, to come with its own insights on pieces that you wrote. Plus, the high scores in math and coding prove that Claude 2 is a worthy assistant to your technical tasks.

Outperforming ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Bard?

While we don’t have an official list of stats for a proper comparison, it’s clear that Claude 2 is in the same league, or it might even surpass ChatGPT.

It already surpasses Bing AI and Google’s Bard on many tasks. With the proper updates and improvements, Claude 2 will easily surpass all three.

What do you think about it? Will you give it a try? Let us know in the comments section below.