Google wants to provide governments with better security systems

Google threatens Microsoft's monoculture

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An AI generated image of a Google security shield

Not so long ago, the U.S. Cyber Safety Review Board (CSRB) accused Microsoft of neglecting its security systems after the country was affected by multiple cyberattacks that could have been prevented. The recent CSRB report reaffirmed that Microsoft neglected enterprise security. Google saw this as an opportunity to pitch its security systems and new approaches to protect the public sector.

According to Google, the CSRB report shows that the lack of commitment to security can lead to preventable mistakes and serious breaches. Besides, the tech giant believes major platform providers should be responsible and develop capable security practices.

Google dealt with similar security issues before

One of the key arguments from Google was that it dealt with similar threat actors more than a decade ago. After the encounter, the company changed its infrastructure and found new ways to defend against cyber attacks. Now, Google develops products that are safe by design.

Google has three recommendations to fix the security issues mentioned in the CSRB report. The first one is that governments should focus on products secure by design instead of having the security feature added later. The second suggestion is to conduct regular security recertification for products with security issues. The last recommendation for governments is to avoid using the same vendor for multiple products and services. This practice increases the chances for a single breach to compromise various systems.

Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella has a plan to build back the trust, but it might take a while to do that, especially since the company is still dealing with ongoing breaches.

Ultimately, the U.S. government could continue using Microsoft. However, Google’s security pitch might lead to some changes, especially since the tech giant showcased the capabilities of Google Workspace. Additionally, Google might open the way for other companies to compete for government customers.

Do you think that Google’s security system can challenge Microsoft’s? Let us know in the comments. 

More about the topics: Cybersecurity, Google, microsoft