As SSD and RAM prices rise, building a PC won't be as pleasant an experience

Costs have increased significantly in the past few months

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custom pc price rise

Although I have never built a custom PC, the idea feels intriguing. Finding the right parts, putting it all together, loading the OS, and then finally booting the PC, every second of the process is an experience I will cherish. However, lately, custom PC prices have been rising, and there isn’t anything one can do!

Had it been the GPU, I would have picked a cheaper alternative. Had it been the display, I would have gone with a smaller monitor. But two of the most critical components, storage (both HDD and SSD) and RAM, have witnessed a massive price hike in recent months.

Last month, we reported that WDC and Seagate have increased their SSD prices. Others like Samsung were expected to follow suit, as experts had warned against a surge in NAND prices. And that’s what eventually happened!

1 TB SSD now costs roughly $100, as opposed to $50-$75 in the last quarter of 2023. If you believe switching to another manufacturer would help, sadly, it won’t. Everyone is hiking prices.

Samsung SSD

Coming to RAM modules, the price hike in 2024 is in the 10-15% range. If you were looking at 32 GB RAM for the custom-built PC, get ready to loosen the purse strings because you might have to spend an additional $25-$40.

This could be even higher, depending on the preferred RAM speed and the manufacturer.

We haven’t yet considered GPUs, another key component witnessing a 10-15% price hike across regions. If you are a seasoned gamer looking at a decent GPU, add another $30-$50 to the total.

So, in all, you will be forced to spend $75-$100 more on custom-built PCs due to the increase in the prices of RAM, SSD, and GPU. Remember, it’s a rough estimate, and the actual hike may vary!

Earlier this year, our study suggested that PC prices will rise in 2024, and it’s already happening. The worst part is that there’s no relief in sight. On the contrary, rates are expected to increase even further in the coming months.

Would this stop me from building a PC for the first time? Probably not, but it certainly won’t be as pleasant an experience!

How much does the price rise affect your custom PC building experience? Share with our readers in the comments section.

More about the topics: PC, RAM, SSD