Coming soon to Firefox: Vertical tabs, tab groups, sidebar & more

Unfortunately, no release date for these features is currently available

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firefox new features

Firefox has always been the best alternative to Chromium browsers, with a dedicated fan base, and over the years, it has received various updates and features.

Speaking of which, Mozilla has recently released a list of improvements they are currently working on, so here’s what you can expect from Firefox.

Mozilla is currently working on tab and interface improvements

In a recent blog post, Mozilla revealed the features that they are currently working on. One of them is vertical tabs, and we already saw them in action in the Canary version of Firefox.

That’s not all, tab grouping and sidebar are also coming, allowing you to easily organize tabs. A new profile management system is also in the work so you can easily keep your personal, school, or work browsing separate.

Firefox prides itself on its privacy, and Mozilla is working on improved privacy settings that will be easier to configure and understand.

Other improvements include customizable wallpapers that will bring a wide array of images and colors. Menus will also be streamlined with less clutter allowing you to quickly and easily access the desired options.

In addition to new features, Mozilla is determined to optimize the performance by improving page load and startup time and it has reportedly improved the responsiveness of Firefox by 20% according to Speedometer 3.

The company is also ensuring that translation feature and PDF editing are taking place locally, so your privacy will never be compromised.

Lastly, Mozilla plans to bring AI features to the browser all while respecting your privacy at all times.

These are just some of the features that Mozilla was able to disclose, but the company is also working on the Weather widget in Private browsing mode.

More about the topics: Firefox