Microsoft pushing another bloatware: PC Manager to be a default part of Windows 11

It's supposedly a PC optimization tool

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PC Manager Windows 11

I have been a long-time Windows user, always enthusiastic about the new features and upgrades. But there are some changes I don’t agree with. This time around, it is Microsoft pushing PC Manager alongside the KB5037858 update for Windows 11, although the change is currently limited to China.

The update’s release notes read,

This update adds PC Manager to devices in China.

The PC Manager is Microsoft’s native computer optimization tool. Released last year, the app made its way to Microsoft Store in Feb’24.

The problem with PC Manager is that most of its features are already available in Windows. It just redirects you there. For instance, the app runs malware scans using Windows Security or clears space on the disk using Storage Sense. Our detailed review of PC Manager highlights several such aspects!

Not to forget, the PC Manager recently recommended Bing Search as a repair tip for users who didn’t set it as default. When it comes to search engines, Bing is no match for Google. If we look at the data from StatCounter, Google commands a 90.91% market share compared to Bing’s feeble 3.64%. It seems like Microsoft is just promoting native services via the app.

For an optimization tool, PC Manager should do a better job. Besides, there are several more capable third-party PC optimization software already available!

Personally, I feel that PC Manager is better off as an optional app, available for download from the Microsoft Store, as is the case right now. For some, the app may be of utility, but for the rest of us, it’s no more than a bloatware, which, if shipped alongside Windows, would necessitate several uninstall guides. That’s the only way I see it!

I hope that Microsoft doesn’t push PC Manager for Windows 11 in other regions.

In case you, too, are bothered by pre-installed, non-useful software, discover 50+ bloatware in Windows 11 that you should remove today!

What do you think about Microsoft’s native PC optimization tool? Share with our readers in the comments section.

More about the topics: PC manager, Windows 11