Microsoft Teams will soon have new expanded gallery view option

Bid goodbye to tiny video feeds!

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Microsoft Teams will soon have new expanded gallery view option

With the increase in virtual meetings, all video conferencing apps are upgrading to make the user experience seamless. Therefore, Microsoft Teams is developing a new feature, an expanded gallery view option for the minimized meeting window.

Here is what the description on the Roadmap website with Feature ID 398449 says:

When meeting window is minimized, participants can enlarge the small view of Teams meeting to a new bigger gallery view, making it easier to multitask on screen and stay aware of meeting events. Users can choose the size of the minimized gallery view window from the following options: one participant visible in the minimized window, 4 participants visible in the minimized gallery view window, fully minimized or fully expanded.

With this new feature, all the participants can enlarge the small view of a Teams meeting to a bigger gallery view, making juggling multiple tasks easy and streamlining the virtual collaboration experience.

And this isn’t it! You will also have the option to customize the size of the minimized gallery view window as per your preferences. The options available are:

  • One participant visible in the minimized window
  • 4 participants visible in the minimized gallery view window
  • Fully minimized
  • Fully expanded.

This feature was added to the Microsoft Teams roadmap on June 3, 2024, and will start rolling out in July 2024. Once it is out, it will be available on Windows and Mac devices.

So, you bid adieu to cluttered screens and get an organized virtual collaboration with Microsoft Teams’ expanded gallery view.

Microsoft is also working on two new features, Feature ID 398446 and 398445, called Export Q&A questions and Voting, Filtering, Sorting, and Archiving questions in the Q&A app on Teams, which are set to be rolled out in July 2024; read this article to learn more.

What do you think about this feature? Share your views with our readers in the comments section below.

More about the topics: Microsoft Teams