Xbox hopes for a Fornite moment with Palworld as it pushes its multi-device strategy further

Xbox is on its way to becoming the number one cross-platform company

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Xbox logo featured on a Palworld background

There is no doubt that Palworld is one of the most popular video games right now: it amassed more than 7 million players in the first days of its release, and at one time it became the 3rd party game in the Xbox Game Pass history, so it’s safe to say the game is having its Fornite moment, and Xbox is seeking to capitalize on it.

On 6 February, Xbox town hall screens were showcasing Palworld, at a company meeting and many Xbox employees think that this Xbox might be pushing its multi-device strategy further by using the popular Palworld as a means to do so. On the other hand, Xbox is expanding to other devices by using some exclusive games like Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment.

However, this doesn’t mean that Xbox is going to give up on all of its exclusives and consoles. Spencer confirmed that a new Call of Duty is coming in October. On top of that, a new console is on its way, but without a disk drive. Plus, the future of Xbox will be discussed today, at a Business Update for the console. You can check out this article, to find out more about it.

Can Xbox go multi-device?

You can already use your Xbox account on multiple devices. After all, what Xbox is trying to do is to become the number one cross-platform company.

In a way, they already managed that. Some exclusive games are on Steam, and you can play them from multiple devices. Also, according to Inverse, Jason Ronald said that Xbox is not trying to make gamers stick to one device. 

Palworld was everywhere on 6 February, from tablets, TVs, and monitors to other devices. However, Xbox doesn’t have a handheld device yet, but there is a strong chance it will release one. So, this would make Xbox an even stronger multi-device company.

By the way, if you don’t have Palworld yet, know that it is available on the Xbox Game Pass. In addition, you can also get a Paramount+ 30 days Subscription.

With the help of Palworld, Xbox has a great advantage against its competitors. On top of that, the game keeps winning players over. Also, due to it, some Pokemon fans switched sides. In addition, Palworld is getting better with each update.

The Pokémon Company announced that they would investigate and take measures against Palworld, but they didn’t. Furthermore, given how long it took, we can assume that Palworld is safe.

In a nutshell, Xbox will continue to build towards a multi-device future. However, they won’t stop making consoles and exclusive games. In addition, they are giving limited-time offers for their Xbox Series X. So, it is safe to say that Xbox is not going anywhere. Thus, there’s no reason to be concerned.

More about the topics: microsoft, xbox