This RPG is a Fallout clone made entirely in Microsoft Excel

Don’t let the looks deceive you, this is a full-fledged RPG

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fallout in excel

Fallout TV show has been a massive success, and it has rekindled the love for the games leading to the Fallout franchise having 5 million players in a single day.

However, that’s not all, as one devoted fan has developed its own Fallout-inspired game in Excel.

A fan created a Fallout-inspired game in Excel from scratch

It’s no secret that the Fallout series started as a top-down RPG in the 90s, and one devoted fan tried to replicate the feel of old Fallout games as XDA Developers writes.

This game is been created by Dynamic Pear on YouTube, and unlike other games, this one is designed entirely in Excel.

This isn’t Dynamic Pear’s first rodeo, and he has created other games in Excel, such as Baldur’s Game clone as well as a horror survival game.

The game doesn’t look too visually appealing since you move a single dot around the screen, but the game has everything you expect from an RPG including quests, battles, levels, and skills.

Despite its appearance, the game is incredibly complex for something that runs in Excel, so we have to give credit where credit is due.

You can download the game for free from the Storyteller blog if you want to take it for a spin. In case you’re looking for something more modern, Fallout 4 next-gen version should be out by now, so check it out.

More about the topics: Excel, gaming