Xbox App Won't Let me Sign in: 3 Ways to Connect Again

Ensure that all Xbox series are running to fix this issue

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Many reported that the Xbox app won’t let them sign in, and this can be a problem and prevent you from playing games online. Luckily, there are few solutions that can help you.

Why can’t I login to the Xbox game app?

If the necessary Xbox services aren’t running you might encounter issues. Sometimes local Xbox files or problems with Gaming Services can cause this issue.

What can I do if Xbox app won’t let me sign in?

Removing recent updates, such as KB5034441, and installing them again can help. Ensure that all Xbox services are starting with Windows to eliminate potential issues.

1. Reinstall Gaming Services

  1. Press the Windows key + X and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin).
    powershell admin win+x menu
  2. Run this command in order to remove Xbox Gaming Services:
    get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers
    Microsoft. GamingServices I remove-AppxPackage powershell
  3. After that, run start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN
    ms-windows-store command powershell
  4. When Microsoft Store starts, choose the option to install Gaming Services.

If you don’t feel comfortable reinstalling Gaming Services, you can restart them by running these commands:

sc stop GamingServices
sc start GamingServices

2. Make sure that Xbox services aren’t disabled

1. In the Search bar type services, then select the Services app from the list of results.

open the services app

2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and locate the following services: Xbox Live Auth Manager, Xbox Live Game Save, Xbox Live Networking Service.

locate the xbox services

3. Double-click the Xbox Live Auth Manager service to open its properties.

open xbox live auth manager

4. Find the Startup type section and make sure it’s set to Automatic. If the service isn’t started, click Start to start the services. Save changes.

set the startup type automatic

5. After you’ve done, do the same for Xbox Live Game Save and Xbox Live Networking Service.

Lastly, check if Xbox services are starting with Windows by doing the following:

  1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  2. Go to the Startup tab.
  3. Locate Xbox App Services. If it’s set to Disabled, right-click it and choose Enable.
    xbox app services startup tab in task manager enable

3. Clear the local Xbox identity data

  1. Open File Explorer using the Windows key + E shortcut. In the address bar paste the following line:
    TokenBroker folder
  2. If there are Accounts and Cache folders available make sure that you delete them.
    Accounts and Cache folders
  3. After removing the cache, try to start the Xbox app again.

This is a simple solution, but it might help you fix the Xbox app if it won’t install or if the Xbox app won’t let you sign in.

If you have more problems like Xbox automatically signing in to your Microsoft account in Windows 11. visit our Xbox app problems guide for more potential solutions.

Did you manage to fix the problem using a different method? If so, don’t be shy to share it with us in the comments section below.

More about the topics: windows 10 fix, Xbox App